Thursday, August 18, 2011

Enjoy life

Well, these past couple of days I've been running. And it is a HUGE stress reliever. I can only run like 3 blocks, but I walk the rest of the distance and the total distance is about two miles. After I run I feel alive! I feel stress free and I forget all my problems. I crank up my music on my iPod and enjoy the scenic route.

Why does nature and exercise make tons of people feel better? I don't know, but it sure does. One of my favorite things to do in the world is go to a cabin in the mountains and sit on the porch doing a crossword puzzle listening to the birds sing. The other favorite thing to do is sit on the beach and watch the tide come in. When I'm sitting on the porch or at the beach I feel closest to God. I can't believe that God was able to make this. I can't believe that God is bigger than that never ending ocean, I can't believe that God is taller than those mountains touching the sky.

I guess my point of writing this blog was to say... the little things are amazing proof of God too. Have you ever seen a tiny flower shoot up in a crack in the side walk? Have you ever seen a baby bird fall out of it's nest just to get back up again, try to fly, and succeed? Have you ever just woken up early to watch the sun rise? Have you ever watched the sun set and the moon rise? Have you ever seen a shooting star? I see all of these things just simply stepping outside, and also on my runs.

I'm not a very religious person, but I do know that God exist. He has helped me through way too much to not exist. He helped me get through my teenage years without a father figure in my life, he helped me move from different places and start a new life, he's helped me through my marriage, he's helped me through school. He's helped me through everything!

Next time you go outside, take a minute to notice the little things, take a minute to breath in life, and enjoy it.

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